Daisypath Friendship tickers

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hehehehehey assalamualaikum semua :) Alhamdulillah kite dipertemukan lagi oleh Allah SWT.Okay kali nie nak cerita pasal pengalaman pegi BTN atau kate  panjangnye Biro Tata Negara di Kem Bina Negara,Meru.Hmme,kebiasaannya ape yg kite fikirkan bile seseorang tu sebut pasal BTN? Mungkin dr cerita memb2 yg lepas,

"Kau dgr jela ape yg diorang ckp" atau
"Kau tahan jela,tau2 jelakan BTN tu",

atau mungkin ade bende2 negatif lain yg sering diperkatakn ttg BTN nie.So,ape sebenarnye kursus nie nak? Pada pandangan saya,first time dpt surat pegi BTN tu rase mcm "Argh! BTN! malas doh,series.buat ape lah BTN2 nie.kene 'brainwash' lah gamaknye" haha

But,lepas ikut kursus nie,byk perkara positif yg saya dapat selain drpd perkara negatif tu (ofcos lah ade) saya tolak tepi lah.Tapi ape yg penting,lepas hadiri kursus tuh saya merasakan yang saya mempunyai tanggungjawab yg besar untuk mempertahankan dan memperjuangkan agama islam di Malaysia di samping membantu bangsa melayu itu sendiri.Bukannya racist,tapi kebelakangan nie tgk ramai budak melayu hanyut dgn dunia,malas belajar,ponteng kelas,masalah sosial sane masalah sosial sini.Dah tu,yg nak pergi belajar agama pulak di tapis2,dikurangkan.So,now it's up to us to stand up and defend islam and not to break it into pieces like what we r doing now by making islam no more feared by others.Aiwah,speaking pulak.HOHOHO So,saya harap lah siapa2 yg akan di-BTN-kan lepas nie jgn lah memandang yg negatif.Bende2 negatif kat sana mmg ada and kadang2 sakit hati jugak tapi kalau boleh kita ambillah input2 yg positif dan membina.So lastly,saya nak igtkan kpd rakan2 supaya jgn percaya 100% maklumat yg korang dgr.Investigate,periksa,check dulu sebelum kite mempercayai sesuatu maklumat tu.Akhir kalam,saya memohon maaf jika ade sebarang kesalahan tutur kata atau bahase yg menyinggung.Jumpe lagi di lain post,ASSALAMUALAIKUM :)

#"Tembak komunis senang jee"-Pak Rani

Friday, August 10, 2012

Azab Neraka

Allah  Swt  berfirman dalam Al-Quran: Dan sesungguhnya Jahannam itu tempat yang dijanjikan  bagi mereka sekalian. Ia mempunyai tujuh pintu; tiap-tiap pintu    (telah   ditetapkan)   untuk   golongan   tertentu   dari   mereka (pengikut-pengikut iblis). (QS. Al-Hur, 15: 43:44)

Tentang  pintu-pintu  neraka,  Rasulullah SAW pernah bertanya kepada Jibril as:  Apakah keadaan  pintu-pintu neraka itu seperti pintu rumahku? Jawab Jibril: Tidak, tetapi pintu neraka terbuka di bawah yang lain.

Dalam sebuah riwayat, Wahab bin Munabbih berkata, Jarak satu pintu ke pintu lainnya  boleh ditempuh dengan perjalanan tujuh puluh tahun. Setiap pintunya sangat panas dari yang lain dengan perbandingan tujuh puluh kali.

 Rasulullah Saw, dalam riwayat lain, pernah berdialog dengan Malaikat Jibril as,

Rasulullah: Siapakah orang-orang yang ditempatkan di pintu-pintu neraka itu?                             

Jibril        : Pintu pertama (paling bawah) namanya Hawiyah, ditempati orang-orang munafik  dan  kafir.  Pintu  kedua  namanya  Jahim,  ditempati  orang-orang musyrik. Pintu   ketiga  namanya  Saqar,  ditempati  orang-orang  Shabiin (orang-orang  yang  menukar agama,  para  penyembah  bintang, yang mengaku beragama  Nabi Nuh). Pintu keempat namanya Ladhaa, ditempati Iblis dan para pengikutnya  serta orang-orang Majusi (penyembah api). Pintu kelima namanya Huthamah,  ditempat  oleh orang-orang  Yahudi. Pintu  keenam  namanya  Sair, ditempati  orang-orang  Nasrani.  Pintu  ketujuh ditempati orang-orang yang berbuat  dosa  besar  dari  golongan  umatmu  yang sampai mati mereka belum bertaubat.

Dalam riwayat lain disebutkan bahwa Jibril tidak menerangkan penghuni pintu ketujuh sehingga  Rasulullah  Saw  bertanya:  Wahai Jibril mengapa engkau tidak memberitahu  kepadaku  penghuni pintu ketujuh? Jibril berkata: Wahai Muhammad,  tak  usahlah  engkau tanyakan hal itu kepadaku. Kata Nabi Saw: Baiklah  kalau  begitu. Maka Jibril berkata: Wahai Muhammad, iaitu para pembuat  dosa-dosa  besar  dari  ummatmu.  Mereka  mati sebelum  bertobat. Seketika itu Nabi SAW pengsan.

Dan  setelah sadar beliau berkata: Wahai Jibril, besar sekali musibahku dan aku  sangat takut.  Apakah  salah seorang dari ummatku akan masuk neraka?

Jibril  menjawab: Ya, ummatmu yang berbuat dosa-dosa besar. Maka nabi Saw menangis lalu Jibril  menangis  pula kerana melihat Nabi Saw menangis. (Tanbihul Ghafilin-Al-Faqih Abu Laits Samarqandi, hal 59)

Pintu-pintu  neraka  akan  dibuka apabila golongan yang akan memasuki telah dihadirkan, seperti  firman  Allah: Dan orang-orang kafir dibawa ke neraka Jahannam  berombong-rombongan,  sehingga  apabila  mereka  sampai keneraka, dibukakan  pintu-pintunya  dan penunggu-penunggunya berkata kepada mereka:

Bukankah  telah  datang  kepada  kamu  rasul-rasul  dari  jenis  kamu yang membacakan kepada  kamu  ayat-ayat  Tuhan  kamu  dan mengancam kamu dengan pertemuan  hari ini? Mereka menjawab: Ya ada! Tetapi telah pantas hukuman azab atas orang-orang kafir. (QS, As-Zumar, 39:72)

Lalu   dalam   keadaan  rela  atau  terpaksa  mereka  akan  diherdik  untuk memasukinya,

Dikatakannya: Masukilah pintu-pintu Jahannam itu, kamu kekal di dalamnya. Maka  alangkah buruknya tempat kembali bagi orang-orang yang sombong itu. (QS. Az-Zumar, 39:72)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

SIII , 4S or 3310?

Assalamualaikum :) Hey there guys! Hope u r all in fine condition.So today im going to talk about SIII and 4S going head-to-head! So,the SIII is finally released and we r stil waiting for the iPhone 5 though.So,for this moment the market can only compare the SIII with the 4S but im pretty sure that iPhone 5 could meet people's expectation when it is released soon.Will it be the best iPhone and smartphone? Who knew?! So,lets get back to business and read my post below and have ur say below! Errrr,about that 3310 thing,leave it and throw it far away.It would be in this list if we were 10 years back :P hahah


Network3G (HSPA+)4G LTE

Display3.5 inch Retina display, 960-by-640 pixels4.8 inch HD Super AMOLED, 1280x720

Weight140 grams133 grams

Operating SystemiOS 5Android 4.0 with TouchWiz

Front CameraVGA (less than 1 megapixel)2 megapixels

Rear Camera8 megapixels with LED flash8 megapixels with LED flash

Camera FeaturesTouch-to-focus, geo-tagging, face detection, HDRTouch-to-focus, geo-tagging, face and smile detection, burst photography with best photo selection, share with friends via face recognition

Storage/Memory16/32/64GB, 512MB RAM16/32/62GB, 1GB RAM

Talk Time*7 hours, 41 minutes10 hours, 20 minutes

Web Browsing Time*6 hours, 56 minutes5 hours, 17 minutes

SD Card SlotNoYes (up to 64GB)

Killer FeatureSiri, natural language voice assistantS Voice voice commands, eye recognition

Processors Dual-CoreDual-Core

 So,it looks like SIII is winning.BUT,

Ohhh,it seems like SIII is beaten heavily by 4S in durabilty.hoho Howeveeeer,

Man,this is waaaaayy cooler! :D In ur face iPhone,haha :P

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wanita,Minyak Wangi Dan Masjid

Assalamualaikum :) haaaa,ape khabar semua? Semoga dalam keadaan sihat2 belaka insyaAllah.Okay,hari ni nak kongsi satu pesanan Rasulullah SAW kepada kita.
Hari tu,ade dgr satu ceramah nie.Ust tu bagitau bhw Nabi Muhammad SAW melarang (mengharamkan) kaum wanita drpd memakai minyak wangi a.k.a perfume ketika melangkah kaki ke masjid or surau or musolla or tempat2 yg sewaktu dengannye.Ini kerana kemungkinan besar akan mengundang fitnah dan mengundang dosa.So,taatlah pesanan Baginda.Elok2 nak buat pahala,rupa-rupanya kumpul dosa sekali.Na'uzubillahiminzalik.So,semoga kita semua diberi hidayah oleh Allah untuk melakukan amal kebaikan lebih2 lagi di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia nih.
Haa,nak kongsi satu bende lagi pasal 10 golongan yang solatnya tidak diterima Allah SWT:
1-Orang lelaki yang solat sendirian tanpa membaca sesuatu.
2-Orang lelaki yang mengerjakan solat tetapi tidak mengeluarkan zakat.
3-Orang lelaki yang minum arak tanpa meninggalkannya (taubat).
4-Orang lelaki yang menjadi imam padahal orang yang menjadi makmum membencinya
5-Anak lelaki yang melarikan diri dari rumah tanpa izin kedua ibubapanya.
6-Orang perempuan yang suaminya marah menegur kepadanya lalu si isteri memberontak.
7-Imam atau pemimpin yang sombong dan zalim serta menganiaya.
9-Orang yang suka makan riba.
10-Orang yang solatnya tidak dapat  menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar.

 So,renung2-renungkanlah.Adakah kite tergolong antara 10 di atas? Mudah-mudahan kite dilindungi oleh Allah dr 10 golongan ini.Amiiiin.So,itu sahaja yang nak diperkatakan kali ini.Jumpe lagi di post yg akan datang.Assalamualaikum :)

Credits to blogtokwan

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Arsene's Spending?

How could Arsenal line up next season?

Arsenal face a big summer of ins and outs - who could be in their starting XI?

Sahin and Cazorla could arrive soon (©GettyImages)
Sahin and Cazorla could arrive soon
It began some time before the transfer window had even opened; even before the 2011/12 campaign drew to a close.
The first new arrival was Lukas Podolski; made official in April, the deal had been all but completed at least a month earlier, despite Arsene Wenger’s protestations otherwise.
Olivier Giroud followed soon after and things were looking rosy at the Emirates Stadium until Robin van Persie dropped a bombshell.

The Dutchman’s statement on his website revealing that he would not be signing a new deal to keep him in north London beyond next summer prompted what has now become the biggest transfer saga of the summer.
Unfortunately for the Gunners, Van Persie is not the only one who could be off if the papers are to be believed. Theo Walcott and Alex Song are targets for some of Europe’s biggest clubs this summer – Song in particular is said to be attracted interest from Barcelona, something that will cause real worry amongst Gunners fans.
But while there may be some players leaving there should be a handful of arrivals soon, with Santi Cazorla and Nuri Sahin closing in on signing for the north London club.
Whether the arrival of Podolski and Giroud were attempts to make Van Persie stay or the north London club planning for life without the 28-year-old – the fact Podolski has yet to be allocated a squad number perhaps answers that one – remains to be seen, as does Arsenal’s line up next season.
The impending arrival of Santi Cazorla next season certainly puts a few cats amongst the pigeons. While he was deployed out wide for Malaga for the majority of last season, the Spaniard’s passing stats for 2011/12 bear an uncanny similarity to those of another player soon to leave north London, Luka Modric.
He is just as adept through the middle as he is out wide and has been touted as a long-term replacement for Cesc Fabregas, so Wenger may opt to deploy him through the middle.
With Van Persie on the cusp of leaving Wenger will need to identify a new man to lead the line, and unless Fernando Llorente, a potential target, arrives at the Emirates, Giroud will be charged with spearheading the Arsenal attack.
The big Frenchman is a lot more deft than his hulking frame suggests so Arsenal fans need not worry about long ball becoming the norm at the Emirates, although his size makes him the perfect foil for Cazorla to bounce off, although he is not the most mobile.
Wenger has experimented with Gervinho through the middle in pre-season, but its unlikely the Ivorian will be deployed there this season; Wenger has better options at his disposal while the former Lille man proved himself unreliable in front of goal last time round.
Another interesting move by Wenger is the potential signing of Nuri Sahin. The Turkish midfielder has struggled at Madrid but has a remarkable range of passing – his ability to ping balls from deep to spark counter-attacks is remarkable.
The move for Sahin looks to be quite shrewd, especially as it should be a season-long loan agreement, thus covering for the absence of Jack Wilshere without exposing the club financially. He is likely to push slightly further forward than Mikel Arteta who was deployed much deeper last season, although Sahin’s fine defensive abilities means the two should be fairly interchangeable.
At the back, full-back looks an area in which Arsenal could be vulnerable yet again, especially with Bacary Sagna injured for the start of the season. Carl Jenkinson and Keiran Gibbs will likely get the nod out-wide, while the trusty partnership of Thomas Vermaelen and Laurent Koscielny will be relied upon once again. Arsenal face plenty of upheaval but there should also be reasons to smile; their attacking line up next season, if all their potential deals come off should be explosive - even if they remain vulnerable at the back.Potential starting XI v Sunderland (4-2-3-1): Szczesny, Gibbs, Jenkinson, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Arteta, Sahin, Podolski, Cazorla, Gervinho, Giroud

Credits : givemefootball.com

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Imam Muda

Assalamualaikum friends,how are you guys? Hope ur all at the pink of health.aminn :D Hmm tonight i'm going to tell u about a young syabab from palestine came to my neighbourhood 'surau' to lead the solat teraweh yesterday.hoho Guess how old is he? Wrong!! haha Haaaaa,he's actualy 18 years old! Gosh he's even younger than me! he looks so matured.haha Anyway,he's got a good and beautiful voice.Alhamdulillah,he's a hafiz and let's pray all the best for him and people in Palestine.Fyi,there are about 19 if i'm not mistaken,'Imam Muda' from Palestine who came here to lead teraweh at certain mosques and 'surau's whole Malaysia.This a good program conducted by Aqsa Syarif and IKRAM Malaysia.So, let us all give support to Palestine and pray for their freedom.Hope that Allah will repay our good deed that we have given to our brothes and sisters in Palestine.Okay,thats all for today.see you in the next post.Assalamualaikum and have a very goodnight :)

The Beginning

Hey folks,its been a while since my first abandoned blog.haha quite lazy to update while many of the posts were craps and boring though.Anyway, i'll start this blogging thing over again and i hope i that have the strength to keep posting and typing.hahah Okay firstly,i'm gonna introduce my name that is Afiq Bin Rasidulakmar.short and simple.Born on 8th of october 1993.Lives in Shah Alam.Never work with any company yet.hoho Got many amazing friends around me which is very beneficial and its a good thing,Alhamdulillah :) Waiting for the call to further my studies in Egypt.amiiin :D So,feel free to know me coz i can make friends with anybody as long as they are willing too.Haa,add me at facebook afiq rasidulakmar or follow me on twitter @afiqhazard.haha Oh its nice to know you guys and i hope we'll keep in touch yeah.okay thats all for tonight.Bye for now,assalamualaikum :)